Services Pricing Plan

Here are our service content, two types, free plan and paid plan.

Starter Plan (Free)

You can freely submit your AI tools and products for free. Submission is free.

  1. We will publish it in time after check and review, and the link will exist permanently.
  2. Starting from July 1, 2024, in order to improve processing efficiency, if your website can provide us with a do-follow backlink link to, we will prioritize your submission for free. Otherwise, we will queue up for normal processing.
  3. The normal processing time is about 1-2 week.
  4. We only accept content such as AI, technology, economy, energy, hardware, software, etc.

Fly Plan (Paid)

  1. Featured Promotion, we charge US$100 for one year, your link is display on the top of default page and listing page.
  2. Update service, we can help you update the product information you have submitted. We charge $50 per year per page content, and the update is completed within a week.

Blog Plan (Paid)

  1. Insert Link, after we receive your request, we will review and check it. If there are no problems, we will accept paid promotion for one year and the cost is US$100.
  2. Guest Post, after we receive your content request, we will review and check it. If there are no problems, we will accept paid promotion and the cost is US$100. We offer discounts to regular partners.

Fly Plan & Blog Plan Execution Notice:

  1. For all submitted content and links, we do not accept gambling, marijuana, pornography, violence, war, drugs, children and other topics that may cause discomfort. For links, we do not accept secondary redirects and affiliate links.
  2. Submit content and requests via application form above or email.
  3. We will review it, and if there is no problem, we will tell you and confirm it.
  4. We will update or post content and send you one invoice.
  5. Usually we will publish a paid guest post within 3 days.
  6. If payment is not received within 7 days, we will delete the guest post link. Thank you.
  7. The service is completed.
  8. About custom services, give me email. [email protected]
  9. We do not accept refunds for all payments, thank you for your understanding.
